Waste removal for your sector

LOGEX organizes the whole waste removal for almost all sectors - from inner-city bag-collection up to demilitarization.

Our branches: 

    • Discounter
    • Full-range
    • Non-Food: Department store, specialist retailers, electrical retailers
    • Construction companies and constrution service providers
    • Gastronomy and hotels
    • Automotive: Service stations, car wash, garages
    • Medical facilities: hospitals, clinics, retirement homes
    • Industry: Logistics providers
    • Military facilities

Discounter and full-range stores

LOGEX is the first address for chains or businesses with branches with regional presence. We organize take-back and removal of General waste, Food waste, paper and cardbord, foil and more. Regardless of location LOGEX disposes at clear defined prices.   

Non-Food / Retail

LOGEX carries out the removal of paper, cardboard and foil. We offer tailor-made and economical concepts. On request we take care of all disposal tasks.

Hotels and gastronomy

Apart from reusable materials, Food-waste, used grease and oil or expired foods are generated. Waste removal in your business from a small imbiss, restaurant, caterer or hotel chain should be carried out to hygiene and waste regulations. Naturally LOGEX takes care of cleaning, emptying and maintaining grease separators as well as recycling of paper, cardboard, foil, glass or cans/tins. 

Healthcare – Hospitals and care facilities

If hospitals, nursing homes or care facilities, LOGEX takes care of the correct waste separation and disposal methods without affecting the operational processes. Incontinence waste, infected waste, medical waste, expired medication as well as general waste needs to be disposed in an environmentally compatible way. LOGEX creates an extensive recycling concept designed to your individual requests. 


Building of pre-fab houses, developments, system building or demolishing creates construction waste, wood waste or metal waste - LOGEX takes care of waste removal at your building site. Furthermore LOGEX offers containers for all needs. The LOGEX Portal offers online orders. Fixed conditions and a fast and reliable service - wherever.


Operating equipment, oil separator, used grease and oils or car batteries - LOGEX disposes everything that accumulates in the garage, gas Station or car-wash. As a GVÖ partner we return oil containers to the recycling cycle. 


Waste is generated in industrial installations that cannot be recycled in combination with domestic waste due to quantities or pollutant contents. LOGEX disposes hazardous materials and takes care of workshop disposal. In the logistics sector a wide range of packaging materials occur next to material in circulation like pallet cages and pallets. Due to suitable concepts most materials go back to the recycling cycle. LOGEX offers solutions for logistics companies that are tailored to their individual needs.


From military scrap over product destruction up to demilitarization, LOGEX runs on-site recycling centers where everything can be disposed - from mattresses to military vehicles. Alongside with general waste for disposal and recycling, hygiene waste, food waste occur in US bases which are comprised with specific wastes of military facilities.  

Your branch is not mentioned? The overview just lists the main categories. Please just contact us we are here to help.